Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The last place one would think to look

The mind is conditioned to search. In our search to find fulfillment we tend to look to things outside of ourselves; possessions, relationships, status, etc.. In spiritual matters also we tend to look outside of ourselves. So although deep down we know who we are, because we are, there is a tendency to cover this self knowing, habitually overlook our natural condition and look to more, better and different.
When we stop looking outside of ourselves, and turn to our deepest core, we can notice stillness. Self, (with a capital ‘S’ ) is that silent awareness. Living presence that has no name, no gender, no mission or purpose other than to Be. This is who you are. This is what you are at the core of your being, and if you stop looking for anything else, then this recognition will expand and deepen – for the rest of your life. The recognition, realization and acceptance of this is why we are here. When we share our natural condition with others, some call this Satsang, a Sanskrit term meaning in association with truth. From this foundation, the play of our lives continues with a kind of spiritual power added. 

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