Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Creating a positive future

I want to address an issue that has come up a lot lately. Some people come to me echoing that the world is going to hell; radiation pollution from Japan, the economy collapsing, war, greed, corruption, 2012, Armageddon, the end is coming, etc., etc., etc. .

When you look at the news, whether that be TV, computer, or newspaper, you certainly get a fear based, adrenalin filled ride into the latest hell realm. But if you step away from the TV or computer and don’t look at the news, what then is your immediate experience? For most of us it is just another day. For many of us it is actually a good day, encountering good people, enjoying relative the abundance of our society. In other words, our present experience is quite different from what the news reports. Which is real; our present experience or what the corporate media empire says is real via some electronic box?

I am not advocating that we put our heads in the sand, but if we live in the fear-based mind and the adrenalin rush it produces, then we have lost our ability to live peace and thereby influence the collective human consciousness in a positive way. The fear-based mentality also lowers the immune system by adding stress to the nervous system, making it more difficult for the body to adapt to environmental pollution.

By recognizing the good in life and feeling grateful for it, having a good attitude, being present to the peace of the present moment, we add our light to humanity – one of the best things we can do. In the moments of having an 'attitude of gratitude' we can also notice the mind is naturally quiet and clear. "The point of power is in the present". What power is that? The power of the limitless dimension of consciousness itself, the power that gives rise to the manifest dimension of all form. This power should not be underestimated.
The more of us that come into the truth of life, the more we naturally create a positive future. Test this for yourself. 

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