Thursday, November 25, 2010

Loss and suffering

Loss and the suffering that comes with loss is part of the experience of incarnation. Why? There are many levels to this, and often it is mysterious with no clear ‘answer’ in earthly terms.
Suffering causes us to stretch, and ultimately to wake up to realize that there is infinitely more than the needs and wants of the body. There is a saying; ‘people turn to god when their foundations are shaking, only to find it is god who is shaking the foundation – shaking us up’. 
By turning attention to one’s silent center of consciousness itself, one will come to recognize, realize, and fully accept one’s inherent unity - that in truth, one is never separate from the entire cosmos. Life is eternal and limitless and in life there are beginnings, middle and end of things, all manifest forms - and you are life.
When this is let in, then the suffering from loss has served, generating the ability to look deeper than the body and to our true home, and here is resolution and peace.

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