Monday, September 20, 2010

Finding inner guidance (in the new age)

We all know how important it is to find inner guidance in difficult times. And we have discovered that inner guidance does not come with the mind spinning. Often times, as I’m sure you have discovered, after struggling with a problem, finally you let it go, maybe go to sleep, then the answer, solution, guidance, pops in. This points to a system, if I can call it that. Like prayer, one first gets clear on the problem that one needs help with, then gives it over to a higher power - with faith.
What I say, is that instead of beseeching a deity separate from you, in some other realm, (even though it may appear that way sometimes) recognize that infinity and eternity does not begin ‘over there’, ‘then’. Most religious doctrines would say that you need an intermediary, a priest who is the link between god and the common person. This is clearly old school - “times they are a changing”.
What I recommend is to stop, and notice the field of living silence that is here. This can be realized to be boundless consciousness - that space/time exists in. This is who you are at the core of your being. If you are willing to keep your attention close to this, your own center, then a ‘channel’ will be established.

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