Friday, May 21, 2010

Self realization

In today’s spirituality, self realization and self recognition are terms that are used a lot. Self realization implies realizing who one truly is – not who one will become after doing all the homework.
This is an important distinction because people used to speak of spiritual attainment, “one day when I reach enlightenment, then….” Self realization has nothing to do with ‘then’. It’s about now.
It gets tricky, though, because the mind is so conditioned to do something in order to get something. Something is here that the mind cannot get, grasp, or hold, so a different approach is used.
Self realization is not an attainment. It is opening. It is noticing silence and following silence into emptiness of all forms. This takes courage and trust because to the ego/mind it may feel like you are dying. Opening to stillness is not dying of course. What is taking place in this opening is a movement or shift of consciousness to recognize that you are infinitely more than you think. Recognition and realization of ones infinite nature brings peace and joy to Be because we realize we are inherently free and whole – regardless of our past.

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