Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More presence

What the world needs now is for people to be more present. More presence in the collective is the energy that can make the biggest difference in overcoming the obstacles that we face. To come out of the mind and into present moment awareness, not in 'ig-norance' to the problems of the world but to add the light of limitless consciousness to the challenges we face.
If all humans have more presence then there is less mentality for war. There is an inverse proportion here; more presence, less greed, selfishness, and hatred. With more presence there is more compassion, peace and love.
Look carefully in your own experience and you may notice that maybe you are not fully present - maybe 75%. Bring yourself fully present with what is present here and now - for 3 seconds. Notice what occurs; more presence, less mind, less 'me', less story of me and my suffering and all the strategies to try to escape that mess of the ego. In those 3 seconds there is ease of Being.
Check this out. It is actually quite simple. In this ease of Being you have the opportunity to discover who you really are - and you will be profoundly delighted.

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