Friday, August 20, 2010


The ability to choose is crucial to living the truth of one’s self. We choose what we want to put our attention on based in what is most important to us. What is more important; freedom, peace, unity, the truth of life, resolution of your problems - or your problems, and fixing what needs to be different, better or more in the story of “me” ?
Probably everyone has heard the saying, “what we focus on expands”. So by focusing attention on what is wrong, what needs to change so that we can be happy, puts one’s attention on lack - and that becomes one’s personal reality. What in your life needs yet to be fulfilled? It’s pretty much in the realms of security, relationships, and power. 
Where is your allegiance? To what? Any notion that, “I must fix this first, then I can stop” – is a trap. Infinity and eternity does not start then, over there. 

“Every moment of this life you are presented with a simple choice:
Past or Present? Freedom or Suffering? Together, let’s strengthen your ability to choose what you really want.”  Neelam

Who is driving the bus of your life; your conditioned mind – or the limitless Presence, that you are? 

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