Saturday, June 12, 2010

Finding peace

For many years I was a seeker. I was busy looking for peace, freedom, universal love, the truth of this existence. In that time, I had many glimpses, many moments of direct experience of high, spiritual states. But when these experiences would pass, I believed that I had lost it, and would feel like a failure. Then I would again resume searching for that which I believed that I had and lost.
Turns out that I ‘was looking for love in all the wrong places’, as the song goes. States of consciousness come and go, like every thing else. I don’t always experience love and peace and high states. But every time I turn my attention to silence, that is present. That silence or stillness or awareness itself opens my awareness to the qualities of peace, love, unity, a sureness of the vastness of Being, in which time and space and all forms dance - like the petals of the lotus. This is available to everyone.

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