Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Life's Purpose

It is echoed in today’s spirituality that the purpose of life is to wake up. What does this mean? How to understand this?
The suffering that humanity experiences can he immense. Some people ask; why would a ‘loving god’ allow such terrible suffering? What is the point? What is the purpose?
Remember, words are only pointers in this kind of subject.
Consciousness is born into bodies, comes to experience itself as a separate individual, believes itself to be that individual, works to strengthen itself to get its needs and wants met, to avoid pain and get more pleasure, to taste more and better. Consciousness goes around on the wheel of pain and pleasure through different experiences. After tasting these experiences for however long, there comes a point where there arises questions about the whole experience; what’s up with this? Why am I doing this over and over? What is the point? Who am I anyway? Is there a way out of suffering?
With hind-sight, one begins to see that; if those bad things had not happened, it would not have motivated me grow, stretch, look inward for guidance, and finally come to see that “who I am is vastly more than who I believed myself to be. That I am much more than this body, this ego, that I am never separate from limitless consciousness itself, that is free from suffering, separation and death – even while the human story continues, I recognize and realize that I am free."
This is the return home.